What do you do to put yourself in a good mood?
How do you look after yourself when your low?
What is your favourite thing to do?
I have enjoyed many things to that keep me happy. I used to do sewing, cross stitch to be exact. The only bit that go to me was when I counted the stitches, but they didn't match the diagram. I enjoy reading, but after a while that gets a bit boring. I like cooking, I think it's the out come of the meal I make. Hearing the hushed nom nom noise from the family as they eat what I have cooked is always positive. But recently it's been soup.
Soup therapy is quite calming and has (mainly) good results. I enjoy taking the time to work out what I want to make. This can happen in a couple of ways, either by looking on the internet or I go more challenging. I will head down to the fruit and veg man in the high street and see what he has on offer. From there I will see what I fancy, AND what the family will eat.
Once I have my selection of goodies, I'll head on home and think about getting the recipe online. I'll have a look at the options and then.............. make it up!!!
I'll chop the veg, and graze on the bits I think aren't good enough for soup. Next is to create the stock from stock cubs, (I'll do it properly if I have time) and start to put it together. Sometimes it works and I get an edible soup, and sometimes I get it wrong. When I do get it wrong, there is always someone in the house that will eat it!!

But the end result is not the point. What I go through to get the soup is the best bit. The chopping of the veg, creating the soup and finally mixing it together and finally whizzing it up for that final finish. I feel satisfied and relaxed after sometime cooking, it really feels like I have taken time for myself.
If your struggling with self care, get in touch today and lets talk about it.